I am Hema Mahajan a counsellor, specialising in DMIT counselling. I believe that everyone is bestowed with incredible abilities and skill by the Almighty. We are however sometimes not aware of our potentials or are unknowingly trained against them since childhood. This causes confusion and results in not being able to identify our strengths and leverage them for success and happiness in our lives. Dermatoglyphic Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT) is a tool which enables us to identify our innate abilities, strengths, weakness, learning skills, course selection, career options, interpersonal skills, leadership skills, target setting and other life-skills. In DMIT we take fingerprints and process them with patented algorithm to generate a report. This report is based on correlation of the fingerprint patterns with various spheres of brain dealing with these skillsets and abilities. This deduction and insight gives the much needed direction. Knowing oneself with biological and scientific validity is very liberating and self-empowering.
DMIT counselling is extensively used for giving correct guidance on what activities need to be done to complement the natural strengths evidenced by the DMIT reports. This not only helps you excel in academics and career, but also in interpersonal behaviour and relationships.
The testimonials and interviews of some of the seekers of their true potential on DMIT counselling and how it has helped them understand and resolve issues in their lives have been shared. In the end what matters in life is the happiness derived from your relationships, ideas, work and success.
Wishing you the achievement of your true potentials.

Learning Style
Life is all about learning. Identifying one’s unique and dominant method of learning can make learning experience throughout life fun, easy and effective. There are 5 major types of learning styles: Motive based, Concept based, Auditory, Visual and Kinaesthetic.
Activity Selection
Brain development is the fastest in childhood. During this time different activities done by the child stimulates different parts of the brain. Selecting the right activities to stimulate the dominant lobes helps to enhance the skills needed to excel in one’s strength. Hence it is very important to identify which activities a child needs to be exposed to right from childhood. This helps parents to invest their time, effort and money on their child in the right direction.
Career guidance
Enjoying one’s career makes life stress-free. Selection of career is one of the most important decisions one makes. Hence, choosing the subjects after 10th and 12th according to one’s innate inclinations paves the path to a career that is best suited according to one’s strengths. This leads to a happy, successful and progressive life.
Every relationship in life is important and should be nurtured, be it parent-child, husband-wife, between siblings, business partners or employer-employee. DMI helps understand the basic nature and thought process of a person which increases the compatibility in any relationship. This makes the association pleasant and long-lasting.
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